
Who we are

The manifesto was initiated by the Education for Sustainable Development Working Group (AG BNE), a working group of the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental and Ecological Research (saguf). We are currently focussing on the following questions: how can education for sustainable development (ESD) be integrated into higher education and adult education? What methods and didactics can support ESD in practice?

Our focus is on transformative learning: learning that leads to profound changes in our attitudes and values, which determine how we act, think, and feel. Transformative learning enables us to creatively tackle seemingly insurmountable dilemmas, both individually and collectively, and thus actively contribute to societal transformation. We are convinced that education and transformative learning contribute in a primordial way to societal development towards sustainability.

Als engagierte, kritische Wissenschaftler*innen und „reflektierende Praktiker*innen“ ist es unser Anliegen, theoretisch-fundierte und praxistaugliche Beiträge zu generieren, u.a. auch zum UNESCO-Programm „BNE 2030“. Wir arbeiten in unterschiedlichen Formaten – wie Publikationen, Workshops oder Beiträgen zu Konferenzen – und mit unterschiedlichen Akteur*innen des Bildungssystems aus der Praxis und Wissenschaft zusammen.

The authors of the manifesto from left to right: Marlene Mader, Clemens Mader, Anne Zimmermann, Helene Sironi, Sandra Wilhelm, Sofia Getzin, Ruth Förster – and Petra Biberhofer (missing on the photo).

The members of the saguf AG BNE

Ruth Förster

Ruth Förster

dr. ruth förster, Zürich

Sofia Getzin

Sofia Getzin

HEKS Switzerland

Thomas Hofstetter

Thomas Hofstetter

ZHAW, Wädenswil

Marlene Mader

Marlene Mader

TdLab, ETH Zürich

Helene Sironi

Helene Sironi

Umwelt.Bildung.Transformation & Stiftung SILVIVA

Melanie Studer

Melanie Studer

Durabilité EPFL, Lausanne

Sandra Wilhelm

Sandra Wilhelm

anders kompetent
& RCE Zürich

Anne Zimmermann

Anne Zimmermann

CDE, Universität Bern

Extended circle of AG BNE

Petra Biberhofer

Petra Biberhofer

FWF Austrian Science Fund, Österreich

Clemens Mader

Clemens Mader

RCE Zurich
& OST-WTT, St. Gallen

Ueli Nagel

Ueli Nagel

RCE Zürich

More information on the AG BNE (Education for Sustainable Development Working Group) is available on the saguf. website.